
InByte is an events-focused app where users can contribute content to event-centred albums. Through their media submissions,  users become content creators who can impact and influence how events are experienced by others around the world.

The Opportunity

As we conducted beta testing prior to the full release in 2020, we received user feedback and identified several pain points that hindered the user experience. I took charge of analyzing this feedback to try and address the usability issues reported, craft solutions and improve the app experience prior to full launch.

Project Timeline
Jan 2019 -
December 2021
My Role
UX Design
UI Design
Tools Used
Adobe Photoshop
Mobile Application (iOS)

Design Process

I took an iterative approach in order to break down the reported problems to resolve the users’ needs, improve functionality and the user experience on inbyte.


In order to gain insight into the users’ frustrations and pain points shared from the beta testing phase, research was conducted in order to understand where to focus our attention and how approach the process of crafting solutions.


I gathered a group of 15 test users and provided them with 3 specific tasks to complete while using inbyte. They were then instructed to provide feedback on the pain points encountered:

1. Create 2 events for your favourite sports teams where users can contribute media to them.

2. Create an event where your friends can collaborate their media from a trip/party to it.

3. Create and privatize an event where only those invited can access and contribute to it.

From the interviews, 3 common pain points were identified:

Event Types

1)Public, 2)Friends, 3)Private

  • Event admins can cater events to the right audeince with proper access and specific content.
  • Privatization feature redesign to improve the  invitation process.

Segmented Feed

  • Events are separated into their own feeds based on event type.
  • Cleaner event feed by type improves user experience

Media Control

  • Event admins control quantity and quality of the media added to albums.
  • Prevents spam content and offensive material from being uploaded.
  • Captioning option helps give context to media uploaded by users

Competitive Analysis

With the research results and pain points defined, I created a comparisson chart to explore how inbyte stacked up against to the most popular social media platforms.

My focus was on which unique featueres inbyte should provide, which features overlapped with the competition, and which features were missing on their end to know where to focus our solutions.

The following findings represent the main areas to focus on creafting solutions for:

  • Provide options for types of events so that the feed carries each type separately
  • Content control (quantity and quality moderating)
  • Segmented feed for different event types improved the feed and user experience

Prioritization Chart

After comparing features through the competitive analysis, and the defined pain points, I created a prioritization chart to identify and organize the needs, goals, and features to focus on before begining ideating solutions.


The competitive analysis and prioritization chart provided me with great feedback on which features to implement into inbyte. I decided to spend some time brainstorming how these features should be organized to solve the users’ needs.

I crafted the following How Might We statements to guide me through the ideation process.

Pain Point 1: Event Types

How might we organize events and their information for a cleaner feed page experience?

Segmented Feed through Event Types

As different types of events are created, introducing a navigation bar to separate them improves the user experience and where different types of events appear.

Pain Point 2: Segmented Feed & Private Events

How might we alleviate some pain points around privatizing events users currently face?

Creating Different Event Types & Privatization

Event admins create different types of events, which allow different connections to experience them. Public (visible to all), Friends (only those added as friends can access), Private (invitation only access).

Pain Point 3: Media Control for Event Admins

How might we provide event admins with control of the content and media submissions without compromising event experience?

Admin Media Controls

Event admin controls for the quality of media submitted, and the number of submissions. They can approve/reject media, and pause or enable contributions.

Task Flow

My next step was creating an updated version of the task flow to shocase the following 2 tasks:  

Task 1: Create public event, publish it and upload media to it.

Task 2: Create private event, send private invites to users, publish event and add media to it.

User Testing

Completing the ideation phase allowed me to transform my sketches into digital designs for user testing. This provided a chance to get real-time feedback from the test users to see if my holistic approach successfully solved the pain points received.

Create Event & Privatization Redesign

Old Create Event
  • All options crammed into one screen
  • Confusing privatization placement
  • Add media grouped with privatization compromised experience
New Create Event
  • Event-type slider to segment events into 3 types:      1) Public, 2) Friends, 3) Private
  • This helps admins segment their events for different user access depending on the selection.
  • Redesigned 'Invite members' section. Using a modal sheet allows users to search and add invitees to their private event, and edit this list through a simpler user experience.

New Create Event Flow: Private event & invite list features


Event Type Toggle
  • Public events (anyone can access)
  • Friends events (only users’ friends can access)
  • Private events (can only be accessed through invitation acceptance


Private Event Selection:
  • Invite members section appears section appears prior to publishing event


Event invitation sheet:
  • Modal sheet populates for users to search, add, and manage invitees to their private event.


Invited memebrs list:
  • Users have a summary of the number of invites sent to their private event, and can edit the list if they wish.

Event Type Navigation & Save Event Feature

Old Event Feed
  • Original event feed hindered the user experience by presenting all events in one universal feed, which counters the aim of private events being separated from any other events
New Event Feed
  • Introducing an easier method for users to navigate events and save their favourites for easy reference improved the user experience. It also allowed private events to be kept separate from other events, and we discovered this should also be applied to the user's profile to keep their events organized.

New Feed: Event Tabs, Saved button, Pending Media


Event Type Navigation
  • Users can navigate between Public, Friends, and Private events feed in an organized manner without compromising the user experience or privacy


Bookmark Icon:
  • Users can save their favourite events to access them anytime from within their profile


Event Type Bar in Profile
  • Users can navigate their own created events, segmented for easy access without having to scrolling through a universal feed


Pending Media & Bookmark:
  • Shows pending media left to review, & saved events


Search within profile
  • Users can search within their own profileto find what they want quickly.

Media Submission Control for Event Admins


Media Submission Button
  • Button added to show the total amount of media still pending for review by admin


Total pending media to be reviewed
  • Total pending media shown at top right
  • Each event shows its own pending media amount


Media review card
  • Quality controls for media approval or rejection
  • Added blocking and reporting feature
  • Added remove caption feature


Contributor recognition feature
  • Shows the differnt type of contributor between admin, or external user
  • Yellow (contributor)
  • Blue (admin)

Interactive Prototypes

After extensive research, ideating and redesigning, the  solutions were ready for the user testing on inbyte. Th following interactive prototypes present the solutions created to solve the following pain points identified throughput the research phrase of the project.

Create Event & Media Upload

Creating events is one of inbyte’s major components. This prototype shows this process from creation through to publishing – including adding a cover image, extra media, captions, and viewing the published event album.

View Interactive Prototype

Categorized Event Feeds

Navigating event feeds has been improved by categorizing events at the creation stage.  Events are now populated within their specified feed, this cleaned up the event feed and improved the user experience

View Interactive Prototype

Submit Media to an Event

Users select an event to submit media to, select the media to contribute, add a caption for context, and submit for review by the event admin.

If its approved, it populates within the event album

View Interactive Prototype

Event Admin Media Review

Reviewing media submissions has been organized per event.

Admins go through the media submitted notification button, select an event with pending media, and can then approve or dismiss media to be added to the event albums, as well as deciding on whether the context added is needed or if it can me ignored.

View Interactive Prototype

The user feedback received during our Beta testing phase identified some important pain points that left users frustrated with the funcionality and user experience on inbyte. The results from our research allowed us to prioritize the areas to focus on and craft the right solutions.

While several features were under consideredation for a future release, the pain points shared by users highlighted the immediate need to implement them and have them built in time for the pending full release of inbyte in Summer of 2022.

  • Improved user experience by categorizing events so each event type has its own individual feed.
  • Redesigned the private event and invitation feature
  • Added media review for quality and quantity media submission control for event admins.


Taking the time to follow a process will help iron out issues early on. Do not get too attached to any aspect of the project and always stay open-minded on how to improve the user experience for the user.

Make sure you check out the full process for the inbyte app here! 📝

Process Deck