Bundles for SFN

Bundles &
Subscriptions Orders


Shopify merchants often group together multiple products into a single offering that can be bought together, in one ‘Add to cart’ click; hese are called bundles. These items are distinct, event when grouped together, and often sold at reduced prices to increase the appeal and value to customers.

Merchants use bundles as a strategy to move inventory in a more efficient manner. Bundles for Shopify Fulfilment Network (SFN) is a feature created to facilitate inventory management and subscriptions for customers making bundles orders.

Project Timeline
Sept 2021 - Nov 2021
My Role
UX Design
UI Design
Tools Used
Shanique Shields
Alisha Kassam
Ahn Do
Estelle Liu
James Findlater

The Problem

This project was focused on how a merchant would view bundles ordered by a customer in their order details pages, and how the inventory would display showing subscriptions and bundle items.

Due to the high level of overlap involved with a section such as orders, I needed to align with multiple teams and stakeholders in order to ensure that I followed the guidelines already in place to design a solution.

The following statements were used as a guide to narrow down the concept:

  • How might we show bundle items and subscriptions in the order details page?
  • How might we show inventory levels and subscription details for each budnles order?

Mapping out the Scenario

I collaborated with my mentor Shanique Shields, and with senior product designer Estelle Liu, as we created a scenario showing how items in budles work for merchants in the orders details page on web and mobile through SFN.

I outlined how a bundle is handled through the backend and how its created within SFN. I took into account the project’s current state, while also considering all future objectives for the project to understand it correctly before designing possible solutions,.

Examining the Existing State

Once the scenario was created, I mapped out the current flow for viewing bundles and subscriptions in the order details pages. The current state employed a modal sheet, nested at the bottom of the page with menu options.

This design was to mimic what Shopify's Android app currently used, however the iOS version needed to be redesigned, and I began by redesigning the modal sheet, and the information it presented, and its the animation it should have.

  • Current modal sheet design for iOS is limiting the user experience and information available for users to see
  • Redesign modal sheet layout and prioritize bundles information presented.
  • Prioritize bundles order components and provide inventory drill-in action for inventory management option
  • Expandable modal sheet: Allows users to swipe up to view instances with more than 5 items in a bundle.
  • Drill-in action to view product page will allow for a more information and also provide breadcrumbs for users to go back.

Action Sheet vs Modal Sheet

While modal sheet are an effective option for presenting detailed information, I believed that an action sheet (which would follow Apple's HIG's) could prove to be a better solution.

Since the redesign for this flow was focused around iOS, I contrasted modal sheets and action sheets, giving each of them the same flow to decide on a solution. I crafted some low fidelity wireframes and sketched out the layout for both options to see the benefits and drawbacks of each.

  • Modal Sheets: Easy to implement, bundles and subscriptions information is easy to navigate
  • Issue with distance between modal sheet menus (nested at the bottom) and top of modal sheet, (swipe down to dismiss)
  • Action sheet: Follows iOS HIG, easy to implement, familiarity for users, menu options easy to navigate and dismiss
  • Modal sheets can be used within action sheet option seamlessly, without compromising usability or information.

    Research and UX Review

    I presented my proposals to my internship mentor, we reviewed them and prepared them for me to present at a UX Review presentation for manager feedback.

    As I researched the Orders team's projects and design files, I discovered that the subscriptions team provided a badge and description on items that belonged to a subscription order.

    To ensure that I was aligning with other stakeholders and teams since the Orders team was the owner of all order pages, I also set up meetings with the designers that had worked on the appropriate sections of the project that overlapped for feedback.

    • Consulted with the both, Orders, and Subscriptions teams as I discovered that they provided third-party app badges for orders containing subscriptions, viewable in the order details pages
    • To incorporate this into my solution, i proposed using the SFN (Shopify Fulfillment Network) logo as a Bundles badge in order details pages
    • Created mid-fidelity flow with Action Sheets to present my solution and why it was a better option than modal sheets

        User Flow & Line Item Badges Presentation

        Once I had received manager approval for the action sheets proposal, the final step was to present a high-fidelity user flow with the approved app badges in the order details page.

        I set up a final review meeting with the UX managers, engineering and the Orders and Subscriptions teams for alignment and approval.

        • Line items for bundles and subscriptions orders with third-party app badges
        • Action sheet design for order details for bundles, subscriptions, inventory, and product pages
        • Line item states with edge cases and foreign translations to consider multiple lines of text layout.

          Interactive Prototypes

          With the approval from engineering, UX managers and all other teams whose work overlapped with mine, I provided my final solution: An improved user flow for users to view bundles and subscriptions through the order details page, and manage inventory and product details for iOS and Android.

          Final Designs

          Outcomes & Impact

          This internship provided me the opportunity to be part of a complex project and collaborate with senior designers in its final stages. I was trusted with sections of the project that needed fine-tuning and was trusted with responsibilities to produce results that would lead to them being built and published.

          The valuable experience and lessons I learned with working alongside my mentor have helped me improve my design, presentation and multitasking skills, and further develop my communication and listening abilities with my extended team and managers.

          Designing for an important company with rapidly moving projects also forces you to show your resourcefulness, discover skills you may not have realized you needed or had, and finally, trusting in yourself and your abilities.


          Trusting your instincts is just as important as asking questions whenever you need to. Align often and collaborate with colleagues and other teams in order to craft the best solution. The only wrong question is the one you don't ask, be a constant learner and listener, and don't be afraid to show what you bring to the table. Be brave, be bold, trust yourself.